Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I've Taken The Diet Solution Program By Isabel De Los Rios (Part-1)

Ref: http://losingtummyfats.blogspot.com/2011/04/just-bought-diet-solution-programme-dsp.html

Hi there,

Sorry for keeping you waiting for long.This article is the continuation of above referred link. I've recently bought The Diet Solution Program By Isabel De Los Rios. This package is crushing the market since long. I was really interested to see whats on it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything much deeper and inside story on the internet. Most of the reviews and articles I found are based on assumptions like- Eat less carb, drink more water, regular exercise........etc etc...all just copy and paste from another. So, I decided to buy the Program and check for myself if it's really worth it. So, the reviews you'll find here, are the real user/reader's review. You can count on it.

Let me start with brief introduction of the author- Isabel De Los Rios. Isabel is a Nutritionist by profession and by passion. She has been studying, advising and practicing for more than a decade. At her early age she made many mistakes on diets. But finally she figured out the best diet program by putting together all the theoretical and practical experiences she gathered in all these years.

Although, this is a diet program, our site is based on losing tummy. So, we'll basically try to find out how to reduce tummy fat with this program.

This program was first published on 2007. From then it's a best seller and one of the most popular diet programs.

The First Chapter is about how to set goal and how to stay motivated for losing body fat. Simple but effective affirmation method has been introduced. Being a Silva Mind Control System graduate and practitioner, I know how important and effective affirmations and autosuggestions can be. I totally agree with this method for self motivation. Isabel showed some personalized ideas as well which are also interesting and will surely bring the success rate into a new height.

Second Chapter talks about three simple yet very specific and structured steps to weight loss. Clearly gets into the points and produce what exactly you need to do for successfully lose weight fast and safe. Find out more here.

May I know?-  Why there area millions of overweight people when thousands of diet programs are available in the market? With same diet, why one person successfully loses weight, stay healthy and another loses health, gain weight and finally quits after unsuccessful attempts? Because- everyone is not supposed to take the same diet program. Isabel says that diet program should be chosen according to metabolism type of your body. Which means, the first task is to assess which metabolism type your body belong to. This assessment and what to do and not to do with your particular metabolism type have been discussed in details in the program. Find out more here.

(to be continued...)

-M. Bari.

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