Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Losing Tummy Fat- Reccomendations of Successful People.

How to get a flat tummy?- Recommendations of successful people:

Me and my wife studied on the internet for various methods to lose belly weight. The most common advices we got are as follows-


In our case we simply took less rice, less bread and less sugar. More vegetables, more fruits in empty stomach and more sea food. We reduced the amount of red meat. But didn’t really stop meat. Our food idea worked for our fat tummy like magic. Still I found some other ideas and advices over the internet. The summary of that are as follows:

1. Your food must be proper and balanced. Although some advise for stopping sugar and carbs, we don’t recommend that. We recommend carbohydrates in two ways- one, eat complex carbohydrates. They are healthier for weight loss than simple carbohydrates.

2. Drink around 3 liters of water per day.- we completely agree with that.

3. One of the healthy tricks that you can play with your eating habit is- Chew your food well, chew longer than usual. The benefits are- More saliva and enzymes will mix with the food and it’ll be easy to be digested, also, you’ll soon get bored of chewing and ultimately eat less than usual. That’s funny and tricky. Isn’t it? It really works. Try it.

4. Break your large 2/3 meals into 5/6 small meals per day. That’s a healthy habit too.


1. Aerobics: Many many experts, users and successful people enjoyed instant weight loss in these methods. Try get some good video to try at home. You can join any local gym or aerobics club too. It makes all your body parts work, makes your tummy fat tissues work and get more prone to vanish, it burns calorie fast, makes your joint lubricated and ready to use, refreshes muscles, heart and lungs.

2. Swimming: Join a pool, swim at least twice a week, that’s the universal recipe of ultimate weight loss. But swimming must be power swimming. Not just floating on water. Play with a ball on the water with your loved ones. That way you won’t get bored.

3. Pilates: A Pilates workout can help tighten tummy muscles and create long, lean muscles throughout your body. Pilates exercises that focus on building abdominal muscles include the teaser, the roll up, the hundred and crisscrosses. To perfect these Pilates moves, it is important to maintain good form. Make sure abdominal muscles are pulled in before performing any of these moves. To perform the teaser, lie on your back and place your hands over your head. Legs should be flat on your mat. Raise arms and lift legs at the same time while keeping abdominal muscles contracted. Grab ankles with your arms and hold for three seconds. Slowly lower back down to the mat. Repeat up to three times.

Our Recommendation:

We recommend you too maintain a balanced life. The most comfortable and routined way. You can simply surf internet and get idea about simple fat burning exercises and healthy food choices. Don't push yourself and don't try quick weight loss schemes. Go naturally to have a healthy Belly Fat Loss. But still if you are too busy to do these researches yourself, you can email us. We'll be happy to advise you. Don't worry, we won't charge money for advice.

Outsourcing Help:

If you still think that you need some good packages available in the market to reduce fat ab, then you can try the reference give here- Many of our friends particularly 6 of our colleagues used the below programme for Losing Tummy Fat. You can give it a try too. I suggest, you visit the site and go through the free reports and articles. Then you can decide whether it’s for you or not. Enjoy your life.

Take a look at the site here for a quick review.

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